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  • 【國際研討會】2024 健康老化與營養國際研討會 (International Conference for Healthy Aging and Nutrition),徵求口頭/海報型式之論文發表,歡迎踴躍報名參加!

【國際研討會】2024 健康老化與營養國際研討會 (International Conference for Healthy Aging and Nutrition),徵求口頭/海報型式之論文發表,歡迎踴躍報名參加!

Date: November 08-09, 2024
International Conference Hall, Zhunan Campus, National Health Research Institutes (NHRI)
(地點:國家衛生研究院竹南院區 – 國際會議中心)
Address: 1F, Tuzi Building, No. 35, Keyan Road, Zhunan Town, Miaoli County 350401, Taiwan, ROC
(地址:苗栗縣竹南鎮科研路35號 – 圖資大樓1樓)
Registration: https://2024icha.nhri.edu.tw/Registration_new (Deadline for registration: October 31st or until full, whichever comes first)
Agenda: https://2024icha.nhri.edu.tw/Program


Welcome to the “2024 International Conference for Healthy Aging and Nutrition

Population aging presents a significant global challenge, profoundly impacting societies, economies, and individuals profoundly. Governments and academia are actively developing strategies to address these critical issues and mitigate the effects of the “Silver Tsunami.” As societies grapple with the complex implications of aging on social, economic, and individual dimensions, the role of nutrition emerges as a critical factor. Are we sufficiently equipped to address the challenges posed by aging populations? How can we effectively manage issues related to elderly nutrition, physical and cognitive health, sustainable long-term care, and the formulation of policies pertaining to the aging workforce, public infrastructure, and economic security and insurance systems for the elderly? These pressing questions demand immediate attention from both governmental bodies and academic researchers alike.

In Taiwan, the National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) established the National Center for Geriatrics and Welfare Research to lead national aging research and promote elderly health and well-being. Annually, this center organizes international conferences on critical aging-related topics, bringing together renowned experts and scholars worldwide to share research findings and facilitate robust knowledge exchange.

The “2024 International Conference for Healthy Aging and Nutrition,” scheduled for November 8-9 at the International Conference Hall of Zhunan Campus at NHRI in Miaoli, Taiwan, focuses on the profound impact of nutrition on aging processes. It emphasizes nutrition’s crucial role in mitigating biological aging and reducing cognitive decline, supported by scientific evidence highlighting benefits for muscle mass maintenance, skeletal health, immune resilience, and cardiovascular well-being. Adequate nutrition intake correlates with reduced risks of chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular ailments, while supporting cognitive functions and preventing dementia.

Esteemed scholars from Canada, France, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, the United States, along with distinguished professors and medical practitioners from Taiwan’s leading academic institutions and medical centers, will enrich discussions and facilitate knowledge exchange at this prestigious event. During the conference, experts will explore epidemiological patterns, genetic and multi-omics profiling, and behavioral modifications using prospective cohort databases. Speakers will address crucial topics such as the impact of nutrition on aging, perspectives on nutritional strategies for disease prevention in the super-aged era, and innovative therapies for age-related diseases. This holistic approach aims to provide scientific insights that contribute to enhancing the quality of life for older adults.

Healthy aging encompasses more than mere disease avoidance; it encapsulates the pursuit of high-quality life across physical, mental, and social domains. Nutrition emerges as a pivotal determinant influencing longevity and overall health outcomes in aging populations. Ongoing advancements in nutritional science promise refined predictive models and efficacious intervention strategies, poised to redefine paradigms in geriatric care.

We eagerly anticipate fostering insightful discussions, unveiling pioneering research findings, and exchanging perspectives of scholarly import at this conference. Additionally, we look forward to the formation of the “Global Aging Cohort Consortium,” a transnational collaborative endeavor in aging research. This consortium aims to forge international consensus and devise strategies to address the multifaceted challenges posed by aging societies worldwide.

We sincerely invite you to join us in advancing the discourse on cultivating a healthier and more resilient society for aging populations!

Abstract Submission

We invite abstracts (in English, no more than 300 words) for oral or poster presentations that explore topics in nutrition and healthy aging.

Upon submission, participants may choose the category for competition:Basic research, Clinical care related research and Public health related research.

Due to limited space and time, only limited abstracts may enter oral session. At submission, the author may choose if the abstract should be considered for poster presentation if not selected for oral presentation. As all oral and poster presentations are simultaneous, each delegate could submit ONLY ONE abstract as main presenter. For those who submit multiple abstracts as presenters, only the last abstract submission will be considered.


Oral Presentation:

  • First place: $5000 NTD
  • Second place: $4000 NTD
  • Third place: $3000 NTD

Poster Presentation

  • First place: $3000 NTD
  • Second place: $2000 NTD
  • Third place: $1500 NTD

Read more: https://2024icha.nhri.edu.tw/Abstract_sub

Contact Information: ICHA Secretariat Office
Email: nhricg110@gmail.com
Tel: +886-37-206166 ext. 51003


  • 本次國際研討會備有現場同步口譯
  • 台灣老年學暨老年醫學會公務人員終身學習時數台灣家庭醫學醫學會台灣護理學會護理人員中華民國營養師公會全國聯合會營養師台灣聽力語言學會語言治療師/聽力師台灣肥胖醫學會社團法人中華民國糖尿病衛教學會,各單位繼續教育學分申請中。
