【研究成果】112年度 中心研究人員成果彙整

202161  1

Publications (2023 Feb -2024 Jan)

  1. Cheng WJ, Finnsson E, Agustsson JS, Sands SA, Hang LW. Continuous positive airway pressure and adherence in patients with different endotypes of obstructive sleep apnea. J Sleep Res. 2024;33(1):e13999. (IF 4.4)
  2. Huang WC, Hsu CY, Chang CM, Yang AC, Liao SC, Chang SS, Wu CS. Psychiatrist density and risk of suicide: a multilevel case-control study based on a national sample in Taiwan. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2024;78(1):69-76. (IF 11.9, TOP5%)
  3. Yang HJ, Cheng Y, Yu TS, Cheng WJ. Association Between Retirement Age and Incidence of Depressive Disorders: A 19-Year Population-Based Study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2024;32(2):166-77. (IF 7.2, TOP5%)
  4. Chang JL, Chen HJ, Chen PY, Chou LW, Lai CH, Lu YH, et al. Validating stroke-induced bilateral ankle coordination deficits using bilateral ankle measure relationship with motor functions in lower limbs. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2023;20(1):32. (IF 5.1, TOP5%)
  5. Chang KC, Chen HS, Wu CS, Chang CK, Hwang JJ, Huang SH, et al. Evaluation of the optimal cutoff number of types of social participation activities in older people. J Formos Med Assoc. 2023;122(7):612-20. (IF 3.2)
  6. Chang YP, Chien CF, Hsieh SW, Huang LC, Lin CF, Hsu CC, et al. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Institutionalized Patients with Parkinson’s Disease in Taiwan: A Nationwide Observational Study. Healthcare (Basel). 2023;11(2). (IF 2.8)
  7. Chen YL, Liao WH, Wang SH, Lien YJ, Chang CM, Liao SC, Huang WL, Wu CS. Changes in employment status and income before and after newly diagnosed depressive disorders in Taiwan: a matched cohort study using controlled interrupted time series analysis. Epidemiol Psych Sci. 2023;32. (IF 8.1, TOP10%)
  8. Chen YL, Tseng CH, Cheong ML, Lien YJ, Wang SH, Chang CM, Liao SC, Wu CS. Associations between antenatal education program and mental health outcomes in Taiwan: A population-based cohort study. Psychiatry Res. 2023;322:115128. (IF 11.3, TOP5%)
  9. Cheng WJ, Finnsson E, Arnardóttir E, Agústsson JS, Sands SA, Hang LW. Relationship between Symptom Profiles and Endotypes among Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea A Latent Class Analysis. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2023;20(9):1337-44. (IF 8.3, TOP15%)
  10. Cheng WJ, Shih HM, Su KP, Hsueh PR. Risk factors for poor COVID-19 outcomes in patients with psychiatric disorders. Brain Behav Immun. 2023;114:255-61. (IF 15.1, TOP5%)
  11. Cheng YW, Li YJ, Cheng WJ. Gender- and age-specific associations between psychosocial work conditions and perceived work sustainability in the general working population in Taiwan. Plos One. 2023;18(10). (IF 3.7)
  12. Chien SC, Chang YH, Yen CM, Chen YE, Liu CC, Hsiao YP, Yang PY, Lin HM, Lu XH, Wu IC, Hsu CC, Chiou HY, Chung RH. Predicting Long-Term Care Service Demands for Cancer Patients: A Machine Learning Approach. Cancers (Basel). 2023;15(18). (IF 5.2)
  13. Chien SC, Chang YH, Yen CM, Onthoni DD, Wu IC, Hsu CC, et al. Exploring concepts and trends in informal caregiver burden: systematic review using citation network and content analysis. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2023;35(12):2873-85. (IF 4.0)
  14. Chien YL, Wu CS, Chang YC, Cheong ML, Yao TC, Tsai HJ. Associations between parental psychiatric disorders and autism spectrum disorder in the offspring-A response. Autism Research. 2023;16(5):877-8. (IF 4.7, TOP15%)
  15. Chiu YM, Lan JL, Huang WL, Wu CS. Estimation of life expectancy and healthcare cost in rheumatoid arthritis patients with and without depression: a population-based retrospective cohort study. Front Med-Lausanne. 2023;10. (IF 3.9)
  16. Chiu YW, Su MH, Lin YF, Chen CY, Chen TT, Wang SH. Causal influence of sleeping phenotypes on the risk of coronary artery disease and sudden cardiac arrest: A Mendelian randomization analysis. Sleep Health. 2023;9(5):726-32. (IF 4.1)
  17. Chou PH, Wang SC, Wu CS, Ito M. Trauma-related guilt as a mediator between post-traumatic stress disorder and suicidal ideation. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2023;14. (IF 4.7)
  18. Chuang SC, Wu IC, Hsiung CA, Chan HT, Cheng CW, Chen HL, Chiu YF, Lee MM, Chang HY, Hsu CC. Dietary Inflammatory Patterns Are Associated With Serum TGs and Insulin in Adults: A Community-Based Study in Taiwan. J Nutr. 2023;153(6):1783-92. (IF 4.2)
  19. Chuang SY, Liu WL, Chang HY, Hsu CC, Pan WH. Central obesity and elevated blood pressure in middle life are associated with physical and cognitive impairment in later life: A retrospective design with repeated measures. Exp Gerontol. 2023;173:112093. (IF 3.9)
  20. Fu SH, Yu PY, Li CY, Hung CC, Lee CC, Chen HY, Lee MT, et al. Diagnostic accuracy of algorithms to define incident and second hip fractures: A Taiwan validation study. J Formos Med Assoc. 2023;122 Suppl 1:S82-S91. (IF 3.2)
  21. Huang MC, Fang SC, Chang HM, Yang TW, Tu HY, Chang YT, Cheng WJ. Postintervention reoffense in DUI repeat offenders receiving alcohol treatment as a diversion intervention: A 2-year follow-up study. Transport Res F-Traf. 2023;94:413-21. (IF 4.1)
  22. Huang ST, Yu TM, Chen CH, Cheng YC, Chuang YW, Cheng CH, Liu JS, Hsu CC, Wu MJ. Risk of Major Cardiovascular Disease after Exposure to Contrast Media: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study on Dialysis Patients. Metabolites. 2023;13(2). (IF 4.1)
  23. Huang WC, Wu CS, Chang KC, Chen HS, Chang CK, Hwang JJ, et al. Can peripheral biomarkers reflect the psychological condition in geriatric populations? The influence of cardiovascular comorbidities. Psychogeriatrics. 2023;23(3):458-65. (IF 2.0)
  24. Huang WL, Liao SC, Wu CS, Chiu YT. Clarifying the link between psychopathologies and heart rate variability, and the sex differences: Can neuropsychological features serve as mediators? J Affect Disord. 2023;340:250-7. (IF 6.6, TOP15%)
  25. Hung YA, Liao SC, Chang CM, Chang SS, Yang AC, Chien YL, Wu CS, et al. Population-attributable risk of psychiatric disorders for suicide among adolescents and young adults in Taiwan. Psychol Med. 2023;53(13):6161-70. (IF 6.9 TOP10%)
  26. Kazdin AE, Harris MG, Hwang I, Sampson NA, Stein DJ, Viana MC, Vigo DV, Wu CS, et al. Patterns, predictors, and patient-reported reasons for antidepressant discontinuation in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Psychological Medicine. 2023. (IF 6.9, TOP10%)
  27. Lane HY, Wang SH, Lin CH. Differential relationships of NMDAR hypofunction and oxidative stress with cognitive decline. Psychiatry Res. 2023;326:115288. (IF 11.3, TOP5%)
  28. Lane HY, Wang SH, Lin CH. Adjunctive transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) plus sodium benzoate for the treatment of early-phase Alzheimer’s disease: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Psychiatry Res. 2023;328:115461. (IF 11.3, TOP5%)
  29. Lee CC, Fu SH, Chen HM, Lin JW, Hsu CC, Lin SC, et al. The real-world adherence of the first-line anti-osteoporosis medications in Taiwan: Visualize the gap between reality and expectations. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 2023;122:S55-S64. (IF 3.2)
  30. Lee MT, Fu SH, Hsu CC, Chen HM, Lin JW, Tsai KS, et al. Epidemiology and clinical impact of osteoporosis in Taiwan: A 12-year trend of a nationwide population-based study. J Formos Med Assoc. 2023;122 Suppl 1:S21-S35. (IF 3.2)
  31. Liao CT, Lai JH, Chen YW, Hsu YH, Wu MY, Zheng CM, Hsu CC, et al. Transitions of dialysis status and outcomes after the unplanned first dialysis: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):12867. (IF 4.6)
  32. Lin JY, Cheng WJ, Wu CF, Chang TY. Associations of road traffic noise and its frequency spectrum with prevalent depression in Taichung, Taiwan. Front Public Health. 2023;11:1116345. (IF 5.2, TOP15%)
  33. Lin MY, Liao CT, Lin MH, Wu HT, Wu MS, Hsu YH, Hsu CC. Taiwan renal data report system: Framework, function, and development. Nephrology (Carlton). 2023;28(11):581-7. (IF 2.5)
  34. Liu CH, Wu YL, Hsu CC, Lee TH. Early Antiplatelet Resumption and the Risks of Major Bleeding After Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Stroke. 2023;54(2):537-45. (IF 8.4, TOP10%)
  35. Liu YT, Wu WH, Tseng WT, Lin HC, Wu MS, Chen PF, et al. Lower HbA1C of glycemic control is associated with higher risk of depressive symptoms in elderly with type 2 diabetes mellitus-A Nationwide Community-based study. J Psychosom Res. 2023;174. (IF 4.7)
  36. Pien LC, Cheng WJ, Chang WP, Chen SR, Chou KR, Wang CH. Relationships between stroke prevalence, health literacy, and oral health-related quality of life in middle-aged and older adults: a national survey study. Bmc Geriatrics. 2023;23(1). (IF 4.1, TOP25%)
  37. Tsai HJ, Wu CS, Chang YC, Yao TC. Use of Leukotriene-Receptor Antagonists During Pregnancy and Risk of Neuropsychiatric Events in Offspring. JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(3):e231934. (IF 13.8, TOP10%)
  38. Wang CC, Liu HC, Lee MT, Huang WT. Effects of Fracture Liaison Service on Outcomes of Patients with Hip Fracture in Rural Area of an Asian Country. Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil. 2023;14:21514593231204783. (IF 1.6)
  39. Wang CY, Wu CH, Chen HM, Lin JW, Hsu CC, Chang YF, et al. Cost and effectiveness analyses of the anti-osteoporosis medication in patients with hip fracture in Taiwan: A population-based national claims database analysis. J Formos Med Assoc. 2023;122 Suppl 1:S92-S100. (IF 3.2)
  40. Wang CY, Yang TH, Fu SH, Hwang JS, Chen HM, Lin JW, Hsu CC, et al. Constraining in reimbursement criteria and the adherence to anti-osteoporosis medications (AOMs) in Taiwan: Urbanization makes the difference. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 2023;122:S45-S54. (IF 3.2)
  41. Wang SH, Hsu LY, Lin MC, Wu CS. Associations between depression and cancer risk among patients with diabetes mellitus: A population-based cohort study. Cancer Med-Us. 2023;12(19):19968-77. (IF 4.0)
  42. Wu CS, Chen CH, Su CH, Chien YL, Dai HJ, Chen HH. Augmenting DSM-5 diagnostic criteria with self-attention-based BiLSTM models for psychiatric diagnosis. Artif Intell Med. 2023;136:102488. (IF 7.5, TOP15%)
  43. Wu CS, Chen TT, Liao SC, Huang WC, Huang WL. Clinical outcomes, medical costs, and medication usage patterns of different somatic symptom disorders and functional somatic syndromes: a population-based study in Taiwan. Psychol Med. 2023:1-9. (IF 6.9, TOP10%)
  44. Wu CS, Liao SC, Huang WL. Use of machine learning to diagnose somatic symptom disorder: Are the biomarkers beneficial for the diagnosis? World J Biol Psychiatry. 2023;24(6):485-95. (IF 3.1)
  45. Wu CS, Tsai TH, Chen WL, Tsai HJ, Chien YL. Ophthalmologic diagnoses in youths with autism spectrum disorder: Prevalence and clinical correlates. Autism Res. 2023;16(10):2008-20. (IF 4.7, TOP15%)
  46. Wu CS, Tseng HY, Lee CY, Wu IC, Chang HY, Hsu CC, et al. Interactions of Insomnia and Sedative-Hypnotic Drug Use Associated with Frailty Over Time Among Older Adults. Am J Geriat Psychiat. 2023;31(6):438-48. (IF 7.2, TOP5%)
  47. Wu SH, Lin CF, Lu IC, Yeh MS, Hsu CC, Yang YH. Association between pain and cognitive and daily functional impairment in older institutional residents: a cross-sectional study. Bmc Geriatrics. 2023;23(1). (IF 4.1, TOP25%)
  48. Yang CW, Lin MC, Shu KH, Tung KT, Tsai WC, Yang JY, Pai MF, Wu HY, Chiu YL, Peng YS, Hsu SP, Wang SH, Pan SY. Extremely Low Dose of Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent May Be Associated with Increased Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients. Am J Nephrol. 2023;54(1-2):25-34. (IF 4.2, TOP25%)
  49. Yang HJ, Cheng WJ, Hsiao MC, Huang SC, Kubo T, Hang LW, et al. Rest-activity rhythm associated with depressive symptom severity and attention among patients with major depressive disorder: a 12-month follow-up study. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2023;14. (IF 4.7)
  50. Yang HW, Wu YH, Lin MC, Liao SF, Fan CC, Wu CS, et al. Association between neighborhood availability of physical activity facilities and cognitive performance in older adults. Prev Med. 2023;175. (IF 5.1, TOP25%)
  51. Yang JJ, Yen HK, Li CY, Chen HJ, Liou HH, Fu SH, et al. Ten existing osteoporosis prediction tools for the successful application of National Health Insurance-reimbursed anti-osteoporosis medications in long-term care residents in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc. 2023;122(2):139-47. (IF 3.2)
  52. Yang TH, Wang CY, Fu SH, Chan DC, Chen HM, Lin JW, et al. Eleven years secular trend of the initiation of anti-osteoporosis medications and subsequent fractures in Taiwan: From 2008 to 2018. J Formos Med Assoc. 2023;122 Suppl 1:S36-S44. (IF 3.2)
  53. Yao TC, Chang SM, Wu CS, Tsai YF, Sheen KH, Hong XM, et al. Association between antenatal corticosteroids and risk of serious infection in children: nationwide cohort study. Bmj-Brit Med J. 2023;382. (IF 107.7, TOP5%)
  54. Yen FS, Hou MC, Cheng-Chung Wei J, Shih YH, Hsu CY, Hsu CC, et al. Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist Use in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis and Type 2 Diabetes. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2023. (IF 12.6, TOP10%)
  55. Yen FS, Wei JC, Hung YT, Hsu CY, Hwu CM, Hsu CC. Thiazolidinediones lower the risk of pneumonia in patients with type 2 diabetes. Front Microbiol. 2023;14:1118000. (IF 5.2)
  56. Yen FS, Wei JC, Shih YH, Hsu CC, Hwu CM. Impact of individual microvascular disease on the risks of macrovascular complications in type 2 diabetes: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2023;22(1):109. (IF 9.3, TOP10%)
  57. Yen FS, Wei JCC, Liu JS, Hwu CM, Hsu CC. Parental Income Level and Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes in Youth. JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(11):e2345812. (IF 13.8, TOP10%)
  58. Lin SY, Wu YL, Kuo CH, Lee CN, Hsu CC, Li HY. Trends in epidemiology of hyperglycemia in pregnancy in Taiwan, 2008-2017. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2022;13:1041066. (IF 5.2, TOP25%)
  59. Yen FS, Hou MC, Liu JS, Hsu CC, Hwu CM. Severe hypoglycemia in patients with liver cirrhosis and type 2 diabetes. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022;9:962337. (IF 3.9)